This morning, his tattered old black bag was by his feet, and my grandfather was obviously shaken. 我立刻感到出了事。那天早晨,他脚边放着他那破旧的黑包,外公的身子直发抖。
The king remembered the rule, and he had to give the old man the bag of gold. 国王这时候想起了规则,他不得不给老头一袋金子。
The cartoon reveals an astonishing scenario in which hundreds of old people are chasing a small bag tagged "retirement fund". 这幅漫画展现了一个惊人的场景,成百上千的老人们正在追赶一个贴着“养老保险金”的小袋子。
It seemed lost in her worn, old shopping bag. 它在萨默斯太太那老旧的购物袋里仿佛不见了踪影。
She put her shoes back on and put her old stockings into her bag. 她穿上鞋子,把旧袜子装进袋子里。
I wandered along the crooked lane. An old man came out with his bag of gold. 我沿着屈曲的小巷走去。
So he refused to sport the company logo, preferring instead to carry his old beaten-up bag. 因此,他拒绝展示公司的标识,宁愿背自己那个十分破旧的包。
I have to wear her old clothes and use her old bag for school. 我得穿她的旧衣服,用她的旧书包。
There was an old camera in my bag. 以前我包里的照相机都是旧的。
I ran toward the old woman and helped her unload her bag. 我跑向老人,帮她卸载她的袋子。
See the old guy with the bag over there? 看到那边那个拿包的老头吗?
Who's that old bag? 那个丑老太婆是谁?
The old bag reminds me of my school day. 那个旧书包使我想起了我的学生时代。
You'll get nothing for you horse. who's going to buy and old bag of bones like that? 你的马卖不出价,谁会买你那匹骨瘦如柴的老马?
In my opinion, the old shopping bag can still be made use of. 依我来看,旧的购物包仍能使用。
I found this atatched to an old bag! 我在一个旧的包上找到的!
The utility model can replace the old type hot-water bag widely without filling hot water and pouring cool water for reducing trouble and avoiding hand scald in the processes of filling the hot water. 这种电热水袋可广泛替代旧式热水袋,不必再装热倒凉,减少了麻烦,也避免灌装热水时烫伤手。
A man grabbed the old woman's bag, and she grabbed at him, but missed, he ran off. 一个男人强夺那位老妇的包,她急抓那个男人,但一失手他却跑掉了。
Without me, you'd still be haggling with that old bag. 没有我的话,你可能还在为那个旧袋子讨价还价呢。
"This woman walked in with the bottle in an old carrier bag and said she thought it might be worth money, and the more I looked into it the more exciting it became," Thomas said. 「这位女士以旧手提袋装酒,走进来说,她想这瓶酒或许值钱,而我愈是细究这瓶酒就变得愈是兴奋,」汤玛斯说。
Tell the old bag to mind her own business. 告诉那个丑婆娘少管闲事。
There's a big old bag of money sitting right here on the dresser. 在柜子上的包里有一大笔钱。
His name was oedipus, he was a greek, I think. well, the old bag turned out to be his mother. 他的名字是奥狄浦斯,我想他是个希腊人吧。哦,那个老妇人原来是他的母亲。
The old man's bag must have been filled with valuable things. 老人的包里一定装满了贵重的东西。
Old bag holding hand of small, ugly child. 一个很丑的小孩拎着一个旧书包。
The old man dragged the Bag down the street. 老人把袋子向街上拖。
An old man with a bag of groceries sat down on the bench, two feet from my left. 在我左边,有一个老头提了一包东西坐了下来。
The old porter helped to carry my sleeping bag. 年老的搬运工帮我提睡袋。
I'm going to end up like an old bag! 我死时一定像个旧皮包!
Through presenting the careful designed dust collecting system of bullion smelting converters of non-ferrous industries, the paper contrasted the performance parameters between new and old types of pulse bag filtration technology. 通过对精心设计后的某有色行业金银熔炼收尘系统的介绍,对比分析了新老两代脉冲袋式收尘技术的性能参数。